Tata kalimat bahasa inggris berkomunikasi dengan client
mungkin temen2 ada yang bad komunikasi kurang bisa bahasa inggris waktu commission atau ngobrol dengan client seperti saya.
1. [ minta aset ]
Thanks for reaching out!
Do you already have the assets? We’ll need character model, logo, and references if you have them. And if you have any specific ideas, let me know. I’d love to have discussion before we proceed further.
2. [ lagi full , antri ]
thanks for contacting me. I can take your commission, but I am really full at the moment. I always serve my clients based on my queue list. But, I can put you on my list if you don’t mind.
[versi lain]
thanks for contacting me. sure, it’d be fun to discuss a project. but I’m really full at the moment. I will be free on the next month if that’s okay!
3. [ kasih kabar, lagi mau di kerjakan ]
I just started working on your commission now, just letting you know, I will give you the next update as soon as possible
Have a good day,
Thank you!
4. [ kasih progress + file ]
Hello, are you there? Here’s the progress I’ve made so far. Please, feel free to leave your thoughts! And let me know if you found any problems. Thank you!
5. [ commis selesai + minta pendapat ]
I have finished your commission, How do you like it?
Let me know what do you think, and feel free if you want to request or change something.
6. [ belum di kerjakan , masih kerjakan commis laen ]
Hello [username client], I don’t have any progress yet.
Because I work on orders based on lists, I hope you can patiently wait.
My apologies~
7. [ kalo ada permintaan revisi ]
Hello, thanks for the correction. I will fix it as soon as possible and let me know if you found any other problem.
8. [ client menawarkan harga murah atau tidak sesuai harga ]
“Thanks, I appreciate the offer! However, I cannot proceed with the commission with the price you’re suggesting. The price that you’re offering is way below the minimum I can offer for the quality of service I am about to give you.
My deepest apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.
Alternatif kalau harga masih bisa dinego:
“Thank you for the offer. However, the price you’re suggesting is still below my minimum rate. The least I can offer for the same quality of service is [harga]. This price is non-negotiable as this is the bare minimum I can accept for this type of service.
Should you feel the price I’m offering fits your budget, I am more than happy to proceed with the order.
Looking forward to your reply.
9. [ kalo client tidak suka dengan hasilnya / cancel ]
I am sorry for the inconvenience, we know that anything can be awful. And I am really sorry I cannot meet your expectation, though I did my best. I hope we can work again in the future on a better project.
Mistakes learned and I really hope this won’t be happening again next time.
Thank you
10 [ pekerjaan sudah selesai ]
It was a fun project and I am enjoying it so much. I hope you like it, thank you!
11. [ minta pembayaran ]
(tanya mau gimana bayarnya)
Talking about payment, It can be flexible actually. What kind of payment would you prefer?
My clients usually pay after I send work in progress, this can be as a down payment or as full payment. It’s up to you, I can send you an invoice. Let me know
(bayar sebelum dikerjain)
Before we start. can you do the payment first, please? So I can put you on my list and I’d make sure to keep you updated within the progress
I can only accept payment via Paypal,
You can send it to name@gmail.com
(versi renternir)
Hello, would you mind if I ask for the payment now?
It’s $ in total as we discussed, you can send it to @email via Paypal.
Let me know if you have sent the payment, Thank you so much!
formatnya biar lebih formal :
hello <username client>
tulis text salah satu diatas
<nickname kamu>
mungkin bagi beberapa orang punya masalah komunikasi terhadap client, sebenernya bukan karena kalian itu ngga bisa bahasa inggris. tapi mungkin cuma karena ngga paham sama tata bahasanya, sma kok kaya bahasa indonesia, semua harus punya sopan santun dll. bedain komunikasi kalian di sosmed dengan client. ada yang namanya frasa, klausa, dkk.
selalu ajak client kalian interaksi terhadap service yang kalian berikan, jadi bukan cuma kayak chattingan sama orang. dibanding insecure terus karena bahasa inggrisnya kurang bagus. coba diperhatikan lagi yuk tata bahasanya, banyak kok frasa frasa yang bisa dipake biar bahasa inggris kalian gak terlihat kaku.